Let's Talk About Cyberbullying

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(9 to 12 years old). Currently, one in five tweens has been cyberbullied themselves, has seen some form of it online, or has cyberbullied someone else. Although incident rates of cyberbullying seem to be highest among middle schoolers followed by high school students. Cyberbullying can take place through texts, apps, online, social media, forums, and even gaming chats.

All forms of bullying are harmful but there are certain aspects that make cyberbullying unique. Cyberbullying is persistent which means that it can take place anywhere and anytime including while youth are at home. It is hard to detect since it is not physical violence that can be witnessed directly then it is difficult to see it happening. Cyberbullying can be anonymous which makes it challenging to find the person accountable for their actions. Content can also reach a wider audience through sharing making it difficult to contain negative messages. The person bullying can be more hurtful because they don't see the immediate impacts the bullying is having on the targeted youth. Finally, cyberbullying is permanent once negative content is posted and shared it is difficult to remove it online. This last point can also be a positive too because there is usually physical evidence that bullying took place.

Parents, communities, schools, and anyone online has a responsibility to help youth who are being cyberbullied. There are ways to protect youth from cyberbullying as well as ways to help someone who is experiencing cyberbullying.

Ways Parents/Schools/Adults Can Protect Youth from Cyberbullying:
  1. Talk about the potential for bullying such as the various forms of cyberbullying and explain ways young people can communicate with adults about bullying.
  2. Start a conversation about online safety with children or students and what everyone can do to be safe.
  3. Establish online guidelines such as parents checking in on children's use of social media, online forums, gaming chats, etc. Talk to children or students about things they should never share online with anyone and when to tell parents/teachers about inappropriate online behavior.
Ways Other Youth or Adults Can Help Youth Who are Experiencing Cyberbullying:
  • Stop the cycle by refusing to share harmful content or refusing to make negative comments.
  • Report the cyberbullying to an adult and the online site where it is taking place.
  • Post a message of support or solidarity with the person being targeted.
  • Reach out to the person being bullied and let them know they are not alone.
  • At LPYS, we strive to connect youth to their community and we need everyone's help to make sure they feel safe. Make a pledge to stop cyberbullying in its tracks and set a good example for young people online!

    **Statistics, prevention tips, and ways to help people experiencing cyberbullying for this article were found on Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center website.

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